About me

About me

Code, photography, and fly fishing

I'm originally from Arizona. I was off and on with photography from elementary to high school. I went through a phase where my friend and I would lug a large tackle box of lures to northern Arizona to fish creeks whenever someone would drive us. Those two hobbies have come full circle many years later.

Another friend got me into fly fishing a few years ago, and my photography motivations completely changed. Fishing often leads to beautiful places with great people, unique fish, and memorable experiences. Those are all moments worth capturing.

I have a BS in Computer Science from NAU, and work as a software engineer to support my hobbies. I enjoyed living in Flagstaff, AZ and Bend, OR, and visiting many other places around the world. I've been fortunate to experience and photograph beautiful places. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy taking them!